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Cortica - Irvine

Cortica - Irvine

Speech Therapy, ABA Therapy, Neurologists, Parent Training, Physical Therapy, Nutritionists, Music Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Early Intervention, Diagnostic Evaluations, Parent Support, After-School / Community Activities, Pediatricians, Mental Health, Developmental Pediatricians, Marriage Counselors, Feeding Therapy

  • Location Santa Ana, CA 92705
  • reviews4.03 (44 reviews)

Would you recommend this provider?*

Strong No
1 Star
2 Stars
3 Stars
4 Stars
Strong Yes
5 Stars

What did this provider do well? (Optional)

Highly responsiveHighly responsive
Explains things wellExplains things well
Easy to scheduleEasy to schedule
Great peopleGreat people
Helpful to parentsHelpful to parents
Great bedside mannerGreat bedside manner
Experienced with special needsExperienced with special needs
Quality careQuality care
Sensory friendlySensory friendly

How could this provider improve? (Optional)

Communication issuesCommunication issues
High turnoverHigh turnover
Admin issuesAdmin issues
Billing issuesBilling issues
Private pay onlyPrivate pay only
Long waiting listLong waiting list
Underpaid staffUnderpaid staff
Staff needs trainingStaff needs training
Safety concernsSafety concerns

Additional comments? (Optional)

Your information*

Relationship with provider*

Received servicesReceived services
Didn’t receive services, but had meaningful interactionDidn’t receive services, but had meaningful interaction
Worked hereWorked here
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