1 Best in-clinic DIR/Floortime Providers near San Francisco, CA 94102
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DIR/Floortime (also known as floortime or DIRFloortime®) is a play and relationship-building therapy for autistic and neurodivergent children. Floortime is also helpful for people with a traumatic background. As the name suggests, the parent or therapist plays with the child on the floor.
DIR/Floortime therapy is designed to help parents build stronger relationships with their child in a playful and engaging environment. DIR/Floortime is based on the idea that a child’s development is affected by their environment, relationships, and interactions. This therapy is used to help children develop their social, emotional, cognitive, and communicative skills.
For more, check out our complete guide to DIR/Floortime.
One unique aspect of DIR/Floortime is that anyone can get certified and trained. Parents and caregivers play an important role in DIR/Floortime because they are responsible for providing a supportive and encouraging environment for their child to explore.
Many parents work with developmental health professionals like occupational therapists, speech therapists, and psychologists who have the DIR/Floortime certification. Therapists and teachers who are certified in DIR/Floortime can help create activities and provide guidance on how to best support your child’s development.
Some research supports DIR/Floortime as a practical approach for improving the unique, individualized challenges autistic children experience. One 2013 study found improvements in turn-taking, communication, and cause-and-effect understanding.5 More research is needed to solidify DIR/Floortime as an evidence-based practice. However, many families report a positive experience.
DIR stands for Developmental, Individual differences, and Relationship-based. DIR and DIR/Floortime are sometimes used interchangeably, but the terms are different. DIR/Floortime uses the scientific learnings from DIR to help create a positive and secure environment where your child can learn and grow. DIR is the science behind the therapy:
- Developmental: Goals should be based on a child’s developmental level.
- Individual differences: Each child perceives the world differently. Care should be individualized based on a child’s individual needs and strengths.
- Relationship-based: Relationships with those around a child, especially their primary parents and caregivers, are the key to the development of new skills.