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Child Development Quiz: Which therapies are right for my child?

Child development quiz: What therapies are right for my child?

Updated: September 27, 2023 · 2 Minute Read

Melanie Hsu, Ph.D.

Reviewed by:

Melanie Hsu, Ph.D.


  • Spend a minute or 2 answering questions based on your child's age.
  • Therapy recommendations are personalized. Your information is safe and secure with us.
  • Always consult with your child's doctor and follow your intuition to determine the best options for your family.

Child development quiz: What therapies are best for my child?

When you have concerns about your child’s development, there are so many things to consider. Which therapy could be best for your child is a big question. Answer questions about your child’s development and we’ll recommend services.




This resource was created to help families like ours. We built this with the help of neurodivergent adults, medical professionals, and parents. With that said, this quiz is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your child's doctor and follow your instincts and intuition to determine the best options for your family.


What to expect

This resource is designed to help parents with young children or teens.



Answer questions based on your child's age. Read questions carefully because they change depending on the information you share. You can take the quiz multiple times for different children. We won't ask for their names. Your information is safe and secure with us.



Depending on your answers, you might see questions about a medical diagnosis. You can decide to share if your child was diagnosed with developmental differences (e.g., autism, ADHD, or anxiety disorders). If you prefer not to share certain information, there are options for "prefer not to say" or "none" that you can click on. Our recommendations will be as comprehensive as the the information you share with us.



You will be asked for an email at the end. Your information is safe with us and you can unsubscribe any time. We are dedicated to helping neurodiverse families like ours. And we hope you'll enjoy being a part of our community! 



The results will be personalized based on your answers. If you have a few options to consider and are feeling overwhelmed, start with one or two recommendations.



Questions? Email us at for more support!





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