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11 autism social media accounts you should follow

11 Autism social media influencers to follow

Updated: December 30, 2023 · 5 Minute Read

Amy Gong

Reviewed by:

Amy Gong, Neurodiversity Advocate


  • If you want to follow parents like you, check out Stories About Autism, Jessie Lipscomb, Motherhood Phasing, and Eileen “Mama Fry” Shaklee.
  • If you enjoy visuals, fun infographics, and pretty images, Lil Penguin Studios and 21 and Sensory are great! Both accounts are run by autistic individuals who share fun and creative graphics about autism.
  • Paige Layle and Louise are both autistic women sharing their own experiences with autism through their personal accounts. Louise shares lots of great facts on Instagram, while Paige creates fun TikToks and Youtube videos.
  • Lisa Baskin Wright, IEP Coach is a great account to follow if you need with your child’s IEP. Brittyn Coleman and Autism Dietitian offer great diet and nutrition tips.

11 Autism social media influencers to follow

Whether you’re looking for a Facebook group to join, Youtube videos to watch, or ways to fill your Instagram feed with inspiring and educational information, here are social media accounts we recommend you check out.


If you want content that’s educational AND super cute…

Lil Penguin Studios

Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | Pinterest | Twitter


Lil Penguin Studios is an autistic illustrator who creates cute and informative graphics to help autistic individuals, their families, and therapists. Her brightly colored and adorable penguin graphics cover a wide range of autism topics. 


If you want to follow the most popular autistic influencer right now…

Paige Layle

Instagram | Youtube | Twitter | TikTok


Paige Layle strives to educate people on autism and help other autistic individuals advocate for themselves. She also shares stories of her own personal experiences as an autistic individual and offers a look into her day-to-day life. As an autistic female, Paige has a lot of great information about masking and autistic traits seen in girls. 


If you need help navigating your child’s education…

Lisa Baskin Wright, IEP Coach



Lisa Baskin Wright is an IEP/504 Special Education Coach. Lisa specializes in helping parents of autistic kids ages 3-14 feel more confident with all things involving their child’s IEP. 


If you want to learn more about picky eating or autism diets…

Brittyn Coleman, Autism Dietitian

Instagram | Facebook | Twitter


Brittyn is a registered dietician and autism nutrition specialist. Her social media feeds are filled with not only great tips and tricks to expand your child’s diet, but easy to digest tidbits of nutritional information and facts about autism and diet. 


If you want to learn more about nonverbal communication...

Motherhood Phasing




If you have a non-verbal child or a child that struggles with communication and you want to learn more about AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) then you need to be following Krystle Prashad. Prashad is an autistic mother raising her non-speaking autistic son. On her Instagram, Prashad offers insight into her day-to-day life, information about autism, and lots of great information on how to utilize an AAC device. 


If you’re looking for a dad’s point of view on autism parenting…

Stories About Autism

Instagram | Facebook | Twitter


Stories About Autism is managed by a single dad of two young autistic boys. While his feed is usually full of important information about parenting a child with autism and a look into their day-to-day lives, this single dad also makes space for those hard feelings. He shares his worries, his doubts, and his struggles, and creates a space for parents to talk about the hard stuff related to parenting autistic children. 


If you’re looking for help navigating all the chaos and need a laugh…

Eileen “Mama Fry” Shaklee

Instagram | Facebook | Twitter


Eileen Shaklee is a mom, raising an autistic son and understands the value of finding humor in life’s struggles. Eileen gives you a look into her day-to-day life and sprinkles it all with a bit of relatable humor. Follow for a good laugh and relatable content.


If you’re looking for an uplifting account with a positive perspective…

Jessie Lipscomb


Jessie Lipscomb, is an artist, a plant enthusiast, and a mom. When her oldest son was diagnosed with autism, she didn’t really feel like there was a space online that fit her needs so she decided to create one. What started as a blog, evolved into a business - Momma Lips Draws. And although you won’t find any of her amazing artwork on this account (she has a separate account that you can check out here), this Instagram account is a fun welcoming place, offering insight into her family’s day-to-day life as well as information all about autism and what it’s like to raise an autistic child.  From her dancing reels to her family outings and her son’s achievements, it's hard not to leave Jessie’s page with a smile.


For information you’ll want to save and share…


Instagram | Twitter 


Almost daily, Lousie shares small bits of information about autism. As an autistic woman, Louise shares her own personal perspective and has created a community where others can come to discuss and share their own experiences. 


If you want to learn more about managing sensory sensitivities…

21 and Sensory

Instagram | Youtube | Twitter | TikTok


Emily, the woman behind 21 and Sensory, has a sensory processing disorder and is autistic. As a graphic designer and illustrator, she uses her designs to present information about autism and all things sensory. And, as an added bonus, she will often share book recommendations. 


If you want expert tips for raising kids with autism and other developmental differences…

Beaming Health 

Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | Pinterest | Twitter


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